Sunday, October 5, 2008

Introducing New Food

As you saw in a previous post, we started introducing Oatmeal about a week before Josiah turned 6 months old. Normally you can introduce a "new food" every couple of days to wait and see if there is an allergic reaction. We are not going as quickly with this due to me developing a food allergy as an adult. Many studies not only show that exclusively nursing for at least 6 months can both help children with their life time weight control and also help prevent any food allergies in the future.
September 14, 2008
What is in that bowl?
I am excited! This Gerber soft tip spoon feels great on my gums.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
September 21, 2008
Could it be mustard?
NO!!! It would be SWEET POTATO!!!


As you will notice with each new food he seems to always be so excited about chewing on his bowl. He makes me laugh.

It is a definite that Sweet Potatos has been his most favorite new food this month!! Just like his Aunt Bebe. Oatmeal and Cereal have become his least. He refuses to eat it most of the time :( I end up having to mix...okay well hide (shh!!!) it in his other foods since his body needs it. Little stinker.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ September 27, 2008 What am I to have today Mommy???

Is it chocolate fudge? NO!!! It would be PRUNES!!!

So, prunes are an really interesting food. Knowing that they are pretty much just really large raisins and cause really large diapers is enough knowledge for me. hehehe. This has been another food I am successfully hiding (shh!!!) his cereal in.